Senin, 11 Maret 2013

Contoh Descriptive Text

                Descriptive Text is a kind of text which contains descriptions of an object, a person or a place with a purpose of describing.
                This kind of text is mostly written in present tense unless the object or the person does not exist anymore.

The Generic Strucutres for the text are:
  1. Identification. In this paragraph, usually the writter is introducing the person, object or place that the writerwants to talk about.
  2. Descriptions. In these paragraph the writter will give descriptions toward the topic as clear the writter could possibly give.


                Surabaya is the second largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta. It is the capital of East Java Province. The city is located in southern Indonesia.
                Surabaya is also a port on the nouthern shore of the island of Java at the mount of the Mas River. As a major seaport and one of the chief commercial and trading centers of Asia, Surabaya is the terminus of a railway and highway that connect it to other Javanese cities.
                A principal export is sugar. Other articles of trade include tobacco, coffe, corn, and tapioca. Shipbuilding, the manufacture of machinery, textiles, glass and metal products, and the processing of food and petroleum are leading industies of Surabaya.
                A large harbor is enclosed by breakwaters and contains floating docks and numerous warehouses. The roadstead, an open harbor where ship may anchor, is protected by nearby Madura Island. Located in the city are Airlangga University (1954), Petra Christian University (1965), and the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (1960).

Dikutip dari : Koding GO Kelas 11 semester 2

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